Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I am a master procrastinator, this week I have elevated it to an art form. I have a ton of homework and a to-do list as long as my arm. What have I been primarily doing? Everything else. I have done a lot of blog reading and tackled some housework, that really did need to be done, but didn't shorten my list one bit. I have been ultra-productive at work, trying to fight my lousy attitude and justify the fact I can rightfully bitch about my co-workers. However, that has left me tired and wanting some down time when I get home. I think that my being tired is what has led me to shun the homework. I find that I can do mindless tasks, but I have not been up to any sort of concentration. Yet, I have been going to bed, on average, at 2:00 am. This is due to the fact that about 10:00 or so, I realize that I have not done what I should have been doing and I try and catch up, while trying to stay awake. Thank God for coffee, cigarettes, and vitamin B12. I am not too concerned, as it is only Tuesday and I don't have school until Saturday, but I also owe my professors some e-mails which I should have sent yesterday. I would love to take a week and catch up on everything, except, I know I wouldn't.

My mood is not as pissy as it was, but I find myself concerned about too many things. Most of them beyond my control. I spoke with Mom last week, each time I talk to her, she sounds more like my crazy sister. Part of this is because she is 87 years old and part of this is because she talks to my crazy sister about 4 times a week. The influence is disheartening, neither my mother or my crazy sister have spent much time in the workforce or the real world, neither of them have ever had to worry about money in any real sense, yet both of them think they have a clear handle on life as I know it. My fun sister called me today, only she was not so fun. She lives with my mother and has to vent occasionally, even though I am too far away to help. She began by telling me that Mom and crazy sister were discussing me this weekend and if I get a call from either one of them to please just disregard. Actually, she told me to feel free to tell crazy sister to fuck off. My brother had the right idea, when he moved to the other side of the country from the rest of his disfunctional DNA.

Tonight, I am not Mary Ann or Ginger, but Mom and crazy sister are Lovey Howell.

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