Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's the end of the world as we know it

Did I ever mention that I failed Physics in high school? Much to my father's chagrin, as he held a degree in Physics. I got the basic concepts (sort of), but as the concepts and theories progressed (as well as the mathematical equations), I floundered in a sea of knowledge that I just could not wrap my brain around. Despite my futile attempts to understand current scientific theories and paradigms, I continue trying. I am fascinated by Physics (and the metaphysical), I decipher theories the best that I can. I see a correlation between science and philosophy and religion (though possibly some of the parallels that I draw, exist only in my mind). I keep taxing my pea-sized brain with reading theories and accounts of things that I will never fully understand.

So...when one of my geeky friends sent me a link about the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), I began to research and find out as much as I could understand. It is the most powerful particle accelerator ever built. It is located in a 17 mile long underground tunnel between France and Switzerland. It took 14 years and $8 billion to build and it was activated on September 10 at 4:28 AM. It is the hope of physicists at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) that future experiments will prove the existence of the Higgs Boson (or the God particle). It is theorized, that this single particle is responsible for giving everything in the universe its mass. It is a theory that I do not even try to understand, based on a set of equations on the interaction of sub-atomic particles and the Big Bang Theory. I know that my explanation is rather vague, that is due to my limited understanding of the whole thing. If you really care, there is enough information on the web to read about it for a lifetime. Or watch this for a more scientific explanation of the LHC (besides, you have to love his accent and the sound effects):

LHC for Dummies

The LHC almost never came online, a lawsuit had been filed to delay and block the LHC from being turned on. There are some people (quasi-physicists) that believe the LHC will result in the creation of a black hole and the entire planet will be destroyed (sucked into the aforementioned black hole). This is where I sigh in resignation. I look at so much scientific research that is being slowed and interfered with on the premise that it is dangerous or immoral. The objections are not coming from other scientists (usually) but from well-intentioned, but ignorant lay people. In this particular case, black holes exist in theory only (at least as far as we know) and that theory is deeply flawed. I am not knowledgeable enough to claim the LHC poses no threat, but it is probably much less than the dangers of nuclear power plants and reactors. A physicist from CERN did admit that in theory, a black hole could be produced, but it would be so tiny and fleeting that it would not pose any threat. The idea that the particle collisions in the LHC will result in a black hole that will suck up the earth, is similar to the idea that stem cell research will result in the maniacal harvesting of unborn fetuses to fuel it. President Bush and his like-minded supporters would rather throw embryos into a dumpster, than allow them to be used to obtain stem cells. They can also justify the killing of children within a war (collateral damage is permissible to an extent), but not using non-viable embryos to possibly save lives.

Sadly, those people that usually become "up in arms," have no real knowledge of science or its process. Nor do they want real science taught in schools. They prefer to keep their heads in the sand and allow God (and George W. Bush) to take care of things. Rather than pursue and accept real solutions to real problems today, they choose to mire themselves in their ignorant bliss. Regardless of anything I have to say, I know some people that believe that John McCain is the poster husband/father for family values. That Sarah Palin is just like Hillary Clinton (after all, they're both women). That even though 17 year old Bristol Palin is pregnant, abstinence only sex education works. That because Barack Obama's last name rhymes with Osama and his middle name is Hussein, he must be a fundamentalist Muslim. (Of course if this were true, than maybe electing him to be President is the best way to protect the United States from terrorist attacks by fundamentalist Muslims.) (Please recognize the sarcastic and tongue in cheek nature of that last comment.) Unlike the conservative ostriches that surround me, I am ready for a change.


Louise said...

"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine..." *smiles* I do hope the majority is ready for a change.

Alice said...

I hope so too. We'll know soon.