Sunday, January 25, 2009

And now for something completely different...

Not really, I was always a Monty Python fan and I just wanted to say that. However, given my silence of late, a new post might be considered completely different.

I have been in a quiet, reflective, nesting mood. I have been cooking, doing things around the house, enjoying the company of family and friends. I have been recovering from the holidays, trying to get back into my regularly scheduled life. I am hopeful for the present and future of our country. I do not envy Barack Obama for the challenges that he faces, but I am confident in his ability. For now, I am content. I am comfortable with my life, I am satisfied with how things are going at work, I am pleased and grateful for my relationship with J. There is enough good in my life to greatly outweigh the worries and to keep me optimistic. I find joy in many things.

I saw this video this week and it made me cry. I am a big sucker for four legged critters though. My hope is that humans can be as caring and compassionate.

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