Monday, May 26, 2008

6 year old wisdom (or diaper humor)

My grandchildren are here this weekend, so any post of substantial content must wait. Instead, I will relate a vignette that occurred this morning.

Disclaimer: Sorry about this post, but I have to do it. When I was a stay at home mom many years ago, my world was reduced to diapers, babytalk, and Sesame Street. Even evenings out with friends found me resisting the urge to cut their meat and move their glass away from the table edge. Though, now my world consists of work, school, and plenty of adult interactions, I still regress a bit when in the company of young children. That said, no one else may find this story as amusing as I did. Unless of course, your brain has also been turned to mush by hours upon hours of Pre-K conversations and sleep deprivation.

While changing the baby's diaper this morning, his brother, age 6, stood by. I am sure he was making sure I knew what I was doing. The following conversation ensued:

H: "Why is it green?"
me: "Probably from something he ate."
H: "Maybe grass."
me: "I don' think so, have you seen D. eating grass?"
H: "No, but grass is green."
me: "Other things are green too."
H: "Dogs eat grass."
me: "Yes, but D. doesn't."
H: "It could happen."

Okay, not the hysterical story you were hoping for, but rather funny for diaper humor. Even funnier if you knew the baby. "It could happen."

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