Saturday, May 3, 2008


I guess I am on some sort of an age kick. Maybe it is due to my impending birthday this month. I am nearing a half of a century, but I certainly do not feel that old. Possibly, my attitude and my actions constitute being 'young at heart'.

This afternoon, I taught my grandchildren how to skip (yes, I still remember how.) Even though, most of the time, we just spent running and galloping around the yard. If you want to feel young, play with young children. Coloring and Playdough are also favorite activities of mine. I will brag a little and say that the last time I took them to the museum, a gentleman told me that "my daughter" looked like me. Though, he was rather old and maybe his eyesight was going. I was flattered that it was not assumed that I was Grandma, but really having a child that young would kill me.

I like this video. It is cute, funny, touching, and Tom Waits gravelly voice is to die for.

What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about?

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