Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's all in the planning

I have been working on my bedroom for several months. I painted and wallpapered and I bought new curtains. The walls have been done for awhile, but I have put off hanging the curtain rod. I did that today. I will admit that I just like to get things done fast, the result is it usually takes me even longer than normal.

I had to put in wall anchors and then screw the curtain rod brackets to the wall. No sweat, right? No, I was sweating quite a bit by the time I was done. I hate to sweat for anything other than sex. The first problem was that I could not find the drill chuck. My son often borrows tools and somehow they do not make it all back in one place (and yes, it is much easier to blame him). After hunting and trying to change bits without it, I borrowed one from the neighbor. Then, I had reasoned there was no reason to drag out the ladder, I would just stand on the bed. Never mind that it is soft and squishy. That is what I did, even though at one point I almost fell through the window. After I drilled the holes, I tried to hammer in the wall anchors. Only instead of using a hammer, I was using a shoe that had a wooden sole. (Hey, Dr. Scholl's were the only hammers I owned in college and they always worked.) I spent a good twenty minutes trying, before admitting that I really did need a hammer. Another trip into the garage to locate that. The curtains are hung and they look lovely, only the valance that I bought is the wrong size.

I used to pride myself on being very handy and independent. Today, I was glad that no one was watching me. At one point, I began to reason that I was just becoming too girly and it was effecting my self-sufficiency. However, I do know that my problems arose from just plain laziness of trying to cut corners. I would have lectured my kids about it, if it had happened to them. But it's me, so I will just blog about it.


FlowerGirl said...

Funny how we women pride ourselves on being able to do for ourselves... I'm always standing on a chair or desk or whatever I can to avoid a ladder. I know it's a good feeling to have it done... despite the valance. You can still be girly-girl and do that stuff. Right?

Alice said...

I think girliness had nothing to do with my problems, it was strictly laziness on my part. I do hate ladders though.