Sunday, November 23, 2008


I have been engaging in a lot of self-examination lately. I have always thought of myself as a peace loving person. I have studied the philosophy of war and just war theory. I believe, in most cases, war is unjustified. I feel the same way about fighting on a lesser scale. While I believe that violence is part of human nature, I also view it as largely unnecessary. I have never been involved in a street fight, bar room brawl or any other type of similar altercation. I do deal with violent individuals and (occasionally) fights at work. We are trained in methods of deescalation and physical restraints and while I am skilled at it, I certainly do not like it.

The contradiction that exists within me is my enjoyment and fascination of certain sports. I love boxing and hockey. I enjoy watching two athletes pummel each other until they are punch drunk or bloody. I like watching hockey, but I am always secretly hoping for a fight to break out (which it does quite often). To attend a hockey game, where no fight occurs, is a bit of a disappointment to me. I don't think that I can even define the appeal. There is just something about the rawness, the brute force and the intensity that excites me. I don't want to engage in it, just watch it. It does make me wonder about what that says about me.

That's what I'm talking about!

Ali really was the greatest of all time.

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