Sunday, November 30, 2008

squirrel saga

The weather here has been a persistent, cold rain. I heard it hitting the window when the dogs woke me up this morning. I had slept later than usual and they were frantic to go outside. After letting them out, I realized that they weren't frantic to pee, they were frantic to chase squirrels. Apparently, they had been watching a squirrel invasion of our yard through the window.

My dogs have never encountered any other evilness the likes of these squirrels. When it comes to chasing squirrels, my dogs do not have enough sense to come in out of the rain. Seriously, all three of them, jumping around the base of a tree, in pouring down rain, for 45 minutes. Even bribes of leftover turkey would not dissuade them from their post. I am ever so glad that I thoroughly mopped the kitchen floor yesterday. Otherwise, the muddy paw prints would not have been nearly so prominent. Rosco is definitely the worst of the squirrel nazis. He will spend hours hunting and guarding against squirrels. Just try to imagine, if you will, how much muddy rainwater this fuzzball can soak up. Normally attentive and obedient, he will not even acknowledge my presence when squirrels are afoot.

I like to think of myself as a lover of wildlife, and in one regard, that is true. I enjoy the flora and fauna of the outdoors. I love camping and hiking and generally communing with nature. However, my opinion of squirrels is pretty low. They are rodents. I used to think they were cute, but I realize that they are little more than rats who know how to accessorize. Take away that fluffy tail and you have a rat. In my neck of the woods (the suburbs) they are rampant. Add in the teasing and aggravating of my dogs and I wish for a squirrel free zone.

For when it comes to squirrels, my dogs have nothing on Dog the Bounty Hunter. Perhaps they have seen this on the post office wall.

It does not matter that they are outsmarted daily by the squirrels. They are sure that it is just a matter of time and luck until they apprehend their prey. I only hope that they would be as protective in the case of a real intruder, but I have my doubts. Unless said intruder happened to look like this...

Maybe squirrel accessorizing is really catching on.


Greenwoman said...

Oooh! Fuzzy tailed rats. *grins*

Alice said...

Good to hear from you Shannee. I hope life is wonderful for you. Our squirrel hunt continues here, heaven only knows what they would do if they caught one. They did catch a possum once, but of course it "played possum".