Sunday, November 16, 2008


Some things just touch my soul. They cause me to feel that profound, deep, emotional connection. I have been experiencing that a lot lately, that ache deep inside, that tug on my heart. I have been very reflective lately. I am changing, evolving. I know this is a growth process, yet changes are hard.

This past year with J has changed me. He has changed me, much healing has occurred, my ability to trust has been re-established, I have opened myself up again. For years I have been reserved and private. I have had a few close friends, but mostly just acquaintances. That is one of the changes, I am letting more people into my life. I am relearning relationships. I had become emotionally selfish. I guarded my emotions carefully and did not let people in. I am still rather private, but I no longer hold people at arms length. I am learning that boundaries do not have to be walls. It is nice to accept love and caring from people, without searching for ulterior motives. I am still learning to accept others and to accept myself. Funny, how self-acceptance is often the hardest.

Here are some things that touch my soul...

Yo Yo Ma performing Silent Woods by Antonin Dvorak

Incidentally, I am related to Dvorak on my father's side.

Andrea Bocelli - Resta Qui

I sometimes think I could have an orgasm from listening to him sing. Not that you even wanted to know that.

1 comment:

Greenwoman said...

Beautiful...your changes and the music. I'm so happy for you. *smiles*